Fair Use Policy
When you order from My Academic Collective, you explicitly agree to use the service as per the intended use agreed upon when placing an order. This intended usage is as a research aid and to guide you during your university or business journey. By agreeing to this fair use policy, you are agreeing that you will not submit this model answer as your own work to any institution or business. Doing so, will constitute as plagiarism.
Once I have received my model answer, how should I use it?
We provide a model answer for your research or information purposes. The model answer is an example of an approach taken to complete the academic or business project set by your institution. We encourage you to do the following:
Examine the key theories and/or models used – ensuring that you understand the key theories and models will enable you to utilise a similar approach when you come to complete your own work. By examining the key theories and/or models used, you begin to really grasp the subject knowledge and are then able to utilise this knowledge by building critical and independent analysis in your own work.
Delve into the reference list and review the academic references used – these will give you an understanding of the current academic commentary associated with your subject matter. This demonstrates academic research and pertains to the academic debate thus far on a subject.
We encourage you to then complete a plan or guide for how you will approach your own work based on the model answer supplied – you could use ‘thought clouds’ or a similar planning technique and arrange the ideas from your model answer into their corresponding themes.
Read the project provided as many times as you can, in your head, aloud, to others – this ensures that you really understand and grasp what has been provided to you, as you begin to learn about the subject matter. You can then gain an idea of the structure, flow, arrangement of arguments and assess the grammar and spelling.
Submitting someone else’s work as your own is classed by educational institutions as plagiarism. Therefore, we offer a tutoring service where we explain the model answer to you if there is any resulting lack of clarity, this is to ensure that you are in the best position to use the project provided correctly as a research basis to complete your own work.
Plagiarism is an academic offence and comes with profound consequences if caught by your institution, the most serious of which is being expelled from your course. Here at My Academic Collective, we want to ensure that you do not experience this issue and as such, we aim to ensure that you resist the temptation of submitting the model answer as your own work by providing detailed after-service tutoring.
Plagiarism is a multifaceted concept, but at its core translates to crediting yourself for the work of others. We explicitly discourage you from submitting the model answer provided as your own work as, in most cases, tutors are able to detect big changes in a person’s writing.
What is the tutoring service?
We offer a comprehensive, tailored to you after-service tutoring where we take the time to thoroughly explore the model answer with you and provide you with 1 to 1 tutoring on the key themes, critical analysis, flow, independent analysis, conclusion etc.