Can I get a discount?

We offer the most competitive prices on the market currently. Nonetheless, we do offer discounts and special offers from time to time and will reward repeat purchase. Our sole aim is to foster a relationship with the users of our service to ensure that you achieve academic or business excellence, as we believe everyone has the ability to do this with the right guidance. If you are signed up to our newsletter and social media, you will receive exclusive offers and discount codes.

How do I contact my academic collective expert?

We operate a confidential service for both our academic collective experts and you, our service users. We encourage contact between you and our experts and will facilitate this ensuring any identifying information is anonymised.

Will my institution know if I have used your service?

If you use our services for research purposes as intended and indeed, complete your own work, then you can choose whether to disclose any private tutoring to your institution. We do not share any personal information from our service users and comply with Global Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

If you do submit the model answer provided to you as your own work, we reserve the right to refuse service and ban you from further use of our services.